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> "Capital continues to pour into the AI sector with very little attention being paid to company fundamentals,"

Maybe I'm just overly optimistic, but on a wider society scale I see a lot worse things they could be pouring money in to (eg Ads). Even if they never make money on it, at least we end up with a lot of open knowledge through all the papers that have been published and even some open-source models that can do some neat things.

There is a ton of money going into x with AI, including things like ads. Or customer support bots. Or shopping assistants… etc etc. The academic side of this whole industry is very small relative to overall funding amounts.

I'm sure you're right. I'm not sure how the 'the bad things with AI' shake out, but I'm trying to be optimistic. For example it's not like customer supports bots aren't already commonly used, and it's not like they can really get any worse.

And even if the academic side is a small amount of the funding, it's at least something. Some of the rest is being spent training models I can download and run forever more.

I guess mainly I'd rather focus on the interesting technical and scientific side of AI rather than worry about the investors.

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