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AI made a huge debut. Now it needs to flourish over the 10-15 years just like how .com did

exactly, dotcom is fueling this bubble. The huge difference is we didnt have a previous bubble to compare dotcom to at the time. Dotcom is one justification for the current bubble because everything worked out.

All that needed to happen for dotcom to workout though was high speed internet that business had come to people's homes.

For this bubble to workout we need to come up with artificial beings on the level of humans from limited use case LLMs.

It is completely delusional.

> For this bubble to workout we need to come up with artificial beings on the level of humans from limited use case LLMs.


We've got loads of those already. Ones with super-human speed, super-human dexterity, super-human senses. Even got some cute tech demos where they get controlled by the OpenAI API.

I'm not sure why you think that's delusional.

But I'm also not sure why you think that's necessary, given that not only "all things which can be expressed in written form" can be used by an LLM, but also that the same architecture is fine with anything that can be tokenised which includes visual and audio tasks — i.e. most office jobs.

No, what's necessary for this to not be a bubble is for someone to figure out how to turn what exists into an actual business model.

"Business" is much less flashy, less cool, less exciting than tech demos filled with androids doing housework, parkour, or acting as a tour guide.

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