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> Let's "up" the ante and make it two phones, using point-to-point ad-hoc voice connection to each other, with a battery life of a week

To make it truly interesting you'd have to add a geostationary relay satellite and e.g. solar recharging, to make the device useful for up to a lifetime. At this point, we have a military communications device of obvious value. (Presuming you get to a non-idiot.)

British GDP (the highest in the world under a single state) was about $10.7bn in 1700 in 1960 dollars PPP [1] or about $113bn today [2]. At its height, in the 16th century, Britain spent about 10% of its GDP on its military [2]. So the price for a working pair of satellite phones is reasonably capped around $11bn in today's money. Of course, having a pair of satellite phones and no military isn't helpful, so in practice we'd likely see a top price equal to no more than $1 to 2bn today.

At which point one asks what size army one could raise to steal your satellite phones with a fraction of that money.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_regions_by_past_GDP_(P...

[2] https://www.usinflationcalculator.com

[2] https://eh.net/encyclopedia/military-spending-patterns-in-hi...

> add a geostationary relay satellite and e.g. solar recharging

That would indeed be something.-

Had originally limited battery to a week in the thought experiment as I was curious about what would happen after they became mere "inert" objects.-

(Image the Pope being summoned - and a church Council being called for and the device suddenly ceasing to work - with hundreds claiming it once did ...)

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