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> It can be badly done in a turn based game too, see XCom 2.

I disagree. I hated turn limits in XCom1 (we're talking about remakes, not original 1993 game, right?), because they weren't really justified by the game world, but in XCom2 when you are the scrappy resistance on quick hit and run missions it really helps build up tension.

> we're talking about remakes,


> not original 1993 game, right?

The original 1993 game has a great example of how to put time pressure on the player without an explicit time pressure: terror missions. Diddle around and you get an army of chrysalids on your butt.

> you are the scrappy resistance on quick hit and run missions it really helps build up tension.

They had a demo day. I played the first mission, or maybe made it to the second. Ran out of turns because I explored an empty corner on the way to the objective. Uninstalled.

And yes, i finished the first xcom remake multiple times. Hated every bomb disarm mission with a passion.

If you ask me, they kinda painted themselves into a corner with the aliens on fixed patrol routes that you could just wait around until the position was perfect. You couldn't do that in the original xcom. But instead of fixing that, they added ... turn limits. It's just bad game design.

Possibly too much world of warcraft. I've seen this trend in games starting a few years after wow was out. People thinking that if Blizzard does it into a MMO, it's okay to do it in a single player game too.

I disagree on this. I played through the remake once and never tried it again. But XCom2 was great and i liked it far, far better than the first part. Btw in most timed missions you don't lose on the spot when the timer runs out, you just face more and more reinforcements, which is completely justified by the setting.

Not in the first or second mission. Way to welcome new players, especially ones who are already suspicious since they read the reviews…

How does WoW relate to turn limits?

To fixed patrol routes. A younger designer who played too many MMOs can think that's the only way to place enemies in a game: either standing in one place or patrolling a fixed route.

That may work in a rpg, but look where it got the tactics game in xcom 2.

I’m still not seeing the connection to WoW. Games did that long before WoW ever existed.

With XCOM 2 if you miss a tile in the last turn, you lose the mission. It's not a great execution even if it does apply time pressure. Long War or other mods handle this much better by bringing in reinforcement, so you can't stay for long, but you won't lose just because you miscount the tiles.

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