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It's the other way around. You seem to take your information from the AFD or FDP bubble and are thus thoroughly misinformed in how the system works and what effect it has on the people under it. I did not react to your question for my nationality as it's ad hominem. Be assured that I know german politics and social systems perfectly well.

You ignore which limits and obligations are placed under the bürgergeld system, and how stiffling the bureaucracy is. For example, yes, Schuldbedarf is covered, but only up to an amount. Depending on the school that can be not enough, and then be a big problem. You also implied (and even said directly) that aids like Wohngeld and Bürgergeld can be combined, which is wrong.

> They do provide a car as well if you need it for work or for educational purposes

I just linked you to an article showing that they did not.

>> That's not the point. The claim above was that you can comfortable live on Bürgergeld without having to work. Which you usually can't, since it would be taken away (or at least significantly reduced) if you tried that.

> I've not said this once.

It is impossible to read your comments without seeing that this is what you want to say. You also directly agreed with comments saying the same. I quoted you already on that.

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