If you've got 30 people on a committee, or 30 people on your board, well, good luck with that (in any context.)
My business has always had 3 or 4 people as owners, and hence as the "executive committee". I've found that to be helpful. If you can't convince your fellow owners then it's likely a bad idea.
(We've also turned away good ideas, and executed on bad ideas, the group approach is not infallible.)
But it really helps to develop a vision beyond just "my idea this morning" before diving into implementation.
My business has always had 3 or 4 people as owners, and hence as the "executive committee". I've found that to be helpful. If you can't convince your fellow owners then it's likely a bad idea.
(We've also turned away good ideas, and executed on bad ideas, the group approach is not infallible.)
But it really helps to develop a vision beyond just "my idea this morning" before diving into implementation.