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And I’m not arguing with that, Stalin also did massive purges of his own officers, leaving the red army severely deficient right before the war, but as horrible as this is, this is not total genocide, which is what awaited Poland had the USSR not won the war.

German genocide of other nations consisted of exterminating weak people and forced labor for the strong. They integrated people with "Aryan features" into their society and we're slowly getting rid of the rest.

Soviets exterminated scientist, priests, doctors and officers - the very people who could fight back. They integrated poor and weak. Their idea was to melt the remaining people into one nation. This is a form of ethnic cleansing.

Both Nazi and Soviets had the same goal - to take over the world by killing the people they didn't like and integrating people they needed. They just had difference of opinion in show to achieve their goals. Fortunately they didn't succeed, unfortunately it still resulted in millions killed by both sides.

> exterminated scientist, priests, doctors and officers

So did the Nazis, in higher quantities too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligenzaktion

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost

The question is not if the Nazis were the bad guys, but if the Russians were bad. I think the answer is pretty simple. If anyone has any doubts they should ask millions of starved Ukrainians, thousands of killed Polish officers, hundreds of thousands of killed eastern Europeans and millions of people sent to gulags. Oh wait, you can't...wonder why? Probably because Soviets were really such a nice group of people.

Jesus freaking Christ, read the German plans for Slavs - it's all public information. They were going to starve and work them all until they are dead, and then populate the lands with Germans. Poles are Slavs. To draw moral equivalence between Soviets and Hitler is idiotic. If it wasn't for the Soviets, you'd be writing this in German, or (depending on your ethnicity) you wouldn't exist at all.

Of course you can draw a moral equivalence. You can't plan[0], invade a country[1] perform genocide on it's people, install and support puppet government and only let go when your own country totally imploded and expect anything other than disdain.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pac... [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_invasion_of_Poland

If Russians were so worried about Slavs being exterminated why were they sending supplies and resources to Nazis until the day German invasion?

Oh now I get it.. Poles and other eastern European nations should be thankful to Russians for killing millions of them and enslaving the rest instead of just exterminating everyone. Got it.

USSR did not “kill millions of Slavs” in Eastern Europe. You’re severely confused. Hitler, however, did. Fully extrapolating this line of propaganda into the future, 30-40 years from now people will believe that an amateur Austrian painter wanted European unity, but bloody dictator Stalin unfortunately got in the way. And I think that’s exactly the narrative which will dominate in the future based on the current trends.

What's more likely to happen in 30-40 years is what you're trying to do - make people forget that there were two equally evil empires - Nazis and Soviets. You want people to remember only Nazis.

The Soviets killed millions - there is no way to deny it. Holodomor alone resulted in 3-5 mln deaths. At least one million were murdered in Russia alone. In total, up to 60 mln people are estimated to have died at the hands of the Soviets. Millions more were forced out of their homes, raped and maimed.

There is only one difference between Germans and Japanese on the one hand and Russians on the other. Germans and Japanese admitted to these atrocities and apologized for them. Since the end of WW2, they have not attacked anyone else.

Russians, on the other hand, are still trying to whitewash the crimes committed by the Soviets, and they keep invading other countries. We can only hope they will either grow up and join the civilized world this century or the Russian Federation collapses.

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