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It's an issue if you're sending in your stuff to RMA and you have to rely on your luck as to whether they exchange it or not. As a customer I would want to know what the policy actually is. This issue comes at a delicate time where a lot of people feel they are stripped of simple ownership rights for their digital devices, left completely at the mercy of huge companies who have a vested interest in being unhelpful.

But that's just it – why do you jump to the conclusion that one must rely on luck? One mistake doesn't necessarily indicate a pattern.

I challenge you to name one retailer or other customer-facing that has never had a single problematic interaction with a customer.

The good companies are the ones that don't make it a pattern and the good companies are the ones that fix problems directly.

That's not the point, I think you're misunderstanding my post. Either there is an official policy in place regarding custom OS installs (=certainty) or not (=randomness). It's not about whether a shop has problematic interactions and unfortunate screw-ups happening, because that's a given. The issue at hand is more specific than that.

Ah, yes, I was misunderstanding. Thanks for humoring me.

I see your point (now =) and maybe this is a central enough issue that they should specifically state it as a affirmative clause or whatever, but their policy was pretty specific about the causes for returns being rejected and thus anything outside of that would be accepted, one would presume.

That's exactly what I was thinking. People appear to be making mountains out of mole hills! Looks like a one off, even I make the odd mistake every once in a while :D

The policy is listed and clear. They didn't honor the policy as it was written for whatever reason(bad/new support person?) and corrected the problem and upheld their policy, which doesn't forbid RMA if you install a different OS.

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