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The meteorological dates for "summer" correspond to June 1 to August 31. That straddles 2 quarters and both halves of the year. What are you going to do if a product launch is in July (+- 1 month)? You can't really use Q3 or H2 because neither of them fully captures that 3 month period.

> The meteorological dates for "summer" correspond to June 1 to August 31

That is winter in the southern hemisphere.

I'm amazed at the need to have to explain this to a grown adult: https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/seasons/en/

Yes, I neglected to qualify "summer" with "northern hemisphere", but the substance of my comment doesn't meaningfully change with or without it, nor have I denied in other of my comments that "summer" is ambiguous depending on which hemisphere you're in. You're clearly just looking for stuff to nitpick.

Then use two seasons in the announcement. It's not hard. ;)

say roughly around July but the we have not yet committed to an exact release month

"roughly around July but the we have not yet committed to an exact release month" sounds way more clunky than "this summer".

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