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It makes you work shy because unless you have a high paying job, it doesn't make sense to work.

$3k with tons of free time all week.

Or add working for $3k extra money by giving up all your free time? Not worth it.

Unless of course apartments become $5k a month since that's about the money that a person on UBI plus a bad job has..

Why does that logic not apply to those on higher incomes?

Have a job with a free-market rate of $100/hr? Why not work for only 30 hrs a week?

Also, UBI levels are never proposed at $3k/week ($150k/yr), but rather at about $250/wk ($13k/yr), or only 2-3 hours of work per week for the $100/hr guy.

The 3k was per month... Just using the common phrase of working all week with only weekends off to show the comparison.

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