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Sure, someone needs to do something, but due to automation we need less labor for the same value, even if it isn’t fully automated luxury space communism (yet?).

That excess time could be spent on leisure, instead the insatiable hunger for more is driving us to drudgery.

how much productive work would you undo for more leisure time? Go back to the productivity of 2000? 1980? further?

On one hand, I think this is an interesting question to put the value of work into context.

On the other, I think most of society would fight tooth and nail against it.

That said, I do know people who do live pretty simply, no electricity, healthcare, or fancy food.

It kind of reminds me of an old miner that would periodically ride into town on a donkey when I was growing up in the 90's. He was about 150 years out of place.

> On the other, I think most of society would fight tooth and nail against it.


We'd still have modern computers and stuff. Dropping productivity wouldn't revert technology itself. So if you ask people "Do you want the same amount of housing and clothes and cars and services you could get back in 1994, but while working 4 days a week instead of 5?" what's the horrifying factor that makes them say no?

Real GDP per capita has gone from 41k to 67k, so going back to 1994 could actually be done with a 3 day work week.

Most people wouldn't want to because they would have to cut 40% of their spending across the board.

there are a lot of people today that can already have the option to work less for less money but dont choose to do it.

Okay. Well "they would decline" is pretty far from fighting tooth and nail.

No, they have declined. Already, and continue to do so.

People like to have more stuff, bigger houses, better cars, air conditioning, whatever.

This whole thing could be brought about by a law banning work over 3 days a week.

I think people would fight tooth and nail.

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