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Which of those jobs do the people in this thread have? Are they doing anything for the society to function? Does the income level reflect that?

That's a loaded question. Presumably you have a person that needs food. On order for that person to get food in our society, you need (lets focus on grown food for now)

- People that plant things

- People that harvest things (may be the same people, but maybe not)

- People that a order things to be planted (seeds)

- People that order/plan short term things to facilitate planting (fertilizer)

- People that make those short term things (who other industry, lots of people)

- People that order/plan long term things to facilitate planting (tractor)

- People that maintain long term things to facilitate planting (repair men)

- People that build systems to allow ordering of short term things

- People that build systems to allow ordering/renting/use of long term things

- People that build systems to allow finding people that maintain long term things

- People that handle making sure those ^ people have the infrastrucure they need (government + industry)

- People that handle making sure those ^ people get hired and paid

We are WAY beyond "in order to get food for people, we need Doug the farmer". So yes, a LOT of the people participating in this thread are in the set of people that are responsible for making sure people, as a whole, have access to food.

And food is only _one_ of the things needed for a society to function

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