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The problem is two wrongs is worse than one; you're never going to solve discrimination against one group by discriminating against another, for example.

What discrimination of which groups are we talking about?

Presumably it's a postulate, and applies in all reasonable cases. The generalization was given as an example of a larger truism.

To give a specific example: Solving discrimination against Maronites by instituting a system of power sharing which discriminated against Shiites and Druze set Lebanon up for failure. Can you think of an instance where reactionary counter-discrimination solved an issue long-term? Why be skeptical of the assertion of "two wrongs don't make a right"? It's generally observable in all cases that retributive "justice" simply creates resentment, deepens issues and erodes belief and trust in social institutions.

I believe the discussion was about men and women.

I guess I'm still unclear about the first part of my question then.

What discrimination of men and women?

I think we have to backtrack a bit here, what planet?

Are you being intentionally difficult? What discrimination is this comment thread referring to?

I just find your approach to "discussion" uninteresting, because it's all about you.

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