Make up your mind, are you mad they pressured him to withdraw or mad they tried to keep him in the race?
Given your voting record and the fact that you’ve just criticized the democrats for two opposite courses of action in back to back posts (and I see your now several other posts hoping to find democrats mad at the DNC), I think you’re a plain ol’ conservative who’s inclined to find fault with the Democratic Party regardless of what specifically they do.
I mean whats the point of a having a primary system if you're going to just have the guy that won it back down and appoint a successor?
Sure, the convention is the votes that actually matter just like the electoral college but every time the popular vote gets upset by the electoral vote people are mad.
The primary and convention system have always existed in parallel. In fact, the USA doesn’t really have a primary system for presidents, just rules each state establishes on delegates should vote given the outcome of whatever happened in their state (and not all states have primaries of course, there are still caucus only state I think?). Even under a strict interpretation of the current system, the VP would take over the ticket if something happened to the president, so we aren’t even far off from that.
Conservatives are just going to have to deal with there already being a mechanism in here for nominating a candidate in a convention.
That isn’t the point. The point is that primaries were held (or in some cases, not held) based on a belief that the man would be fit for office, and the fact that he isn’t was being hidden from the voters participating in those primaries. I’m far beyond hoping for honesty from our politicians on either side, but I would classify this as fraud, albeit difficult to prove.
I think too many people on both sides consider it “legal if you don’t get caught” to do basically anything they please. And I think the fact that each side acts a lot further apart on issues than we actually are is just as sad. There’s no middle voice anymore. Either you consume left-wing media and hear their reactions to the 5% radical right or vice versa. All it means is that most Americans agree that 10% of us are batshit crazy.