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Caffeine builds physical dependence easier than amphetamine, AFAIK

Is caffeine strong enough to have any serious effect on ADHD? It barely touches my concentration difficulties.

Compared to actual medication, no. It can help though… and that’s how you may unintentionally develop a pretty high tolerance for caffeine (200mg caffeine pills and energy drinks every day at sunrise).

Turns out I had ADHD and I had been using caffeine my entire life as a crutch.

Diagnosed in my late thirties, and although finding the correct medication and dosage that works is an ordeal… once you are there you realize you’ve been swimming with a hand tied behind your back this entire time.

It’s not a magical cure motivation-in-a-pill though, it requires you to do the work. It simply enables you to try instead of completely failing to attempt anything.

I don't know if it actually helps, but for a while I was drinking so much coffee I gave myself ulcers.

I eventually got diagnosed ADHD in my 30s, and my doctor suggested that my coffee problem was a subconscious effort to self-medicate. I've been on stimulants for a few years and quit coffee easily (with some nasty headaches and such, but no real cravings)

I do still have coffee now and then, but only occasionally and only because I like the taste. I often stick to decaf when I do have it, too

It is quite effective for me, but I suspect that I am a slow metabolizer because even a small amount (less than a cup of coffee) can still have lingering effects the next day.

However, it does not affect me quite like it affects most people. I find that caffeine before bed helps me quiet my thoughts and fall asleep, for example.

Mind you, I have not been diagnosed with ADHD (I can't be bothered going through the process of diagnosis when I already have medication and techniques that work).

I took caffeine pills to self-medicate before I got diagnosed. It was better than nothing, but nothing compared to proper medication. Taking enough caffeine to concentrate properly also made me shake a little bit, so not super fun

It works great once or twice if you don't ever drink it normally. It's way too easy to get used to though and it just becomes the new baseline.

Yes, but you end up taking doses where the physical side effects are disruptive to your routine. If you have concentration difficulties, you should see a psychiatrist.

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