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For many CTO/CISO it is more important to have a good target to shift responsibility when things go awry than to have a reliable/secure system. A Big Brand is a good target, an open-source project like OpenBSD is not. I doubt any CTO will be fired for choosing Widnows+CrowdStrike (instead of Linux/BSD) despite many million losses.

"Nobody ever gets fired for buying IBM" is as true as ever at least in the corporate world.

> I doubt any CTO will be fired for choosing Widnows+CrowdStrike (instead of Linux/BSD)

I was personally involved in a meeting where my firm's leadership advised a client who did fire their CTO and a bunch of other people for what was ultimately putting what they thought were smart career moves over their actual responsibilities.

Unfortunately, as you did just point out, the CEO, other execs, and board are often just as incompetent as the CTO/CISO who have such shit-brained mindset.

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