| | Ask HN: Fastest way to launch web app | |
4 points by smarri 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments
| | Hello HN. I have a handful of web projects that I want to launch to get user feedback. Each requires user log and authentication, the ability to store and retrieve user content, payment functionality, and to scale with user demand, (all done securely). Is there a single provider or service that offers this off the shelf? I don't want to have to build it all myself as I was to test my ideas quickly. Thank you |
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There are also some very well done (simple to understand and maintain) starter kits. Here are two of them:
- https://jumpstartrails.com
- https://businessclasskit.com
I would recommend Avo (and I am doing so for a couple of projects) as a super great admin to manage everything:
- https://avohq.io