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There's a thing that happens where people get "" trapped"" by automatic crossing gates. They get their car on the tracks as the gate closes in front and behind them. The gates are very weak so they could drive right through, but some sort of mental block often prevents this and so they stay there with their car on the tracks, sometimes not even thinking to get out of the car.

I guess it goes to show that stupid finds a way.

I would believe this is mostly due to panic rather than being stupid. At some point, for many people, your logical brain stops working.

I think it's a lack of panic that does it. In that moment they're afraid of causing property damage and they aren't thinking about their own imminent demise. Probably because they see the gate before they see the train, and once they start thinking about the gate in front of them they get tunnel vision and struggle to switch focus to the more important thing coming at them from the side.

I wonder why the gates aren’t designed so that they only present a barrier on the entry side of the track, and not the exit side of the track?

They sometimes are but then it is easy to go around them

...because people then drive onto the wrong side of the road to drive around the barriers.

Yes, some people are that dumb.

Or maybe a lot of this is intentional, sadly?

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