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Apollo Lunar Surface Journal (nasa.gov)
95 points by NaOH 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

I love the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, but I was staggered when I came across


(plays mission audio in real time accompanied by Video and the transcripts of the comms, highlighting which of the mission control channels are active. The landing itself is awe-inspiring - skip forward to 102:27:57 - 'go for powered descent')

I discovered this during the anniversary. I played it non-stop from start to finish. What a treasure.

Dumb question, how do you fast forward it on mobile?

If you liked it, you'd probably also enjoy the three Omega Tau Podcast episodes with David Woods, one of the contributors of the NASA Apollo Flight Journal [1]




--- 1: https://www.nasa.gov/history/afj/

Interesting that there's an entry for Apollo 13 as well, although the page (unsurprisingly) doesn't contain a surface journal: https://www.nasa.gov/history/alsj/a13/a13.html

Off-topic, but gosh, isn't this dead simple nonsense-free content-rich website easy to navigate & quick to load

The structure and design of the linked web page is never off topic for HN. ;-)

Only complaints per https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html:

> Please don't complain about tangential annoyances—e.g. article or website formats

From the Apollo 12 journal, Alan Bean is directing Pete Conrad out of the hatch for the first time from the interior of the lunar lander.

> 115:16:39 Bean: Doing good. You're headed right square out the hatch. You'll have to bend over more, though. (Pause) Wait. Wait. Wait. Oops. Come forward a little. Move to your right, you're...There you are. Now go. You were getting that little... (Pause) You got to kneel down a little more. (Pause) Well, I'll push you (down) if you don't mind. (Pause)

I had never made the analogy to a child leaving the womb before I read this.

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