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Windows should NEVER blue screen for third-party software. This is definitely as much Microsoft's fault as anyone's.

Maybe Microsoft doesn't offer an ABI or whatever other access is needed for the CS module. So there's some work that needs to be done on the kernel to enable the functionality to run in user space. Third-party libraries should not have privileged access to the kernel internals.

In this case, the CloudStrike kernel module attempted to read a bogus data file and crashed. The Windows kernel should detect the module crash, inform you in some meaningful way, but continue to boot. Maybe even in some limited execution model, but not a blue screen.

CloudStrike should have tested better. A LOT better. Multiple layers of tests better. They should most definitely take serious their obligations to the millions of customers that are affected by this. But Microsoft needs to own some of the responsibility too, by allowing a 3rd party kernel module to even be able to bring down its system. Just because the program was signed, doesn't mean when it crashes, Windows should crash with it.

> Windows should NEVER blue screen for third-party software. This is definitely as much Microsoft's fault as anyone's.

It's Microsoft's fault that someone wrote drivers for its OS?

It is Microsoft's fault that computers running Windows caused 911 systems to fail, surgeries to be postponed, flights to be canceled and so on. Yes, a third party was involved, but why didn't Microsoft have a system for vetting third parties before giving them kernel access?

Apple won't let you add an app to their app store without a vetting process. Microsoft lets you alter the kernel without a vetting process? How many people died today because they didn't get surgeries and because of failed 911 calls?

And what responsibilities do hospitals and 911 centers or the makers of products to these institutions have for running mission critical software properly? At the bare minimum these systems should have been air gaped.

Microsoft is not recommending to run software that monkey patches kernel for mission critical applications or run them on public networks like this. Does your car download software like this and crash on the road because of faulty update?

Time and again we keep seeing down times at hospitals due to ransomware or hacks, when will these institutions that people trust their lives with, take their IT posture seriously rather than blame anyone else.

> Windows should NEVER blue screen for third-party software.

Agreed, it's a Windows weakness. It should be improved. But if the system boots normally even if something like CrowdStrike fails, then you create other problems, which may be more serious than a BSOD.

I don't put the blame on Microsoft because enterprise customers should know how Windows works. Should we use Windows and some low level, 3rd party, remotely updated software (without a slow, controlled rollout) if you can't have BSODs? Yeah...

It's a big "cock up". I blame mostly CrowdStrike because they're the ones who messed up. Then we have those who decided to use Windows with CrowdStrike even on very sensitive systems. Microsoft is at fault for creating an OS with this weakness, but this is how Windows works... if it's not good enough for the task, don't use it.

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