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Given the younger generations increasing ambivalence to the non-stop fire hose of bullshit that the vast majority of the platform internet already is, and given that we're now forging the tools to make said fire hose larger by numerous factors, I don't think this is going to be the boon long-term that a lot of people seem to think it is.

It is extremely ironic that computers which operate by the logic of boolean arithmetic and algebra are now used to generate bullshit instead of adding rigor and checking existing written content for basic falsehoods and logical fallacies.

90% of everything is crap.

Itch.io has almost no crap filters so all you find is crap. Steam lets anyone publish but you rarely come across any crap. Many PC game devs know that the income overwhelmingly comes from Steam vs every other site put together.

Unfortunately, this just gives more power to the walled gardens.

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