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What you're describing is a system where the degree of acceptable failure is determined after the software becomes a product because it is being determined by how important the buyer is. That is backwards and unworkable.

It isn't, though. "You may not sell into a situation that creates an unacceptable hazard" is essentially how hazardous chemical sale is regulated, and that's just the first example that I could find. It's not uncommon for a seller to have to qualify a buyer.

I think the system is rather a one where if you offer critical services then you're not allowed to use a software that hasn't been developed up to a particular high standard.

So if you develop your compression library it can't be used by anyone running critical infra unless you stamp it "critical certified", which in turn will make you liable for some quality issues with your software.

I assume you mean "if the buyer will use the software in critical systems."

That's very realistic and already happens by requiring certain standards from the resulting product. For example, there are security standards and auditing requirements for medical systems, payment systems, cars, planes, etc.

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