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LLMs are that. When you use tools like perplexity you get the feeling of the internet circa 2004 back.

The future is here, currently it requires a credit card to access.

You can start seeing how you'd use it locally too, the hardware requirements are too high today, but within the next 5 years they will become widely available.

For me LLM's are on a different page of the tech book (the models/algorithms side). The Web as such being literally about computer networks, interconnectedness of people and machines and sharing information [1].

It is possible though that the more widespread adoption of data science / ML / AI stacks will make a newly decentralized Web more interesting (along the lines of federated learning etc.)

It may take a while. You don't need gigantic language models to create interesting things in this direction but the current environment is not conducive, that is why it is not happening. Five to ten years is not an unreasonable projection (assuming nothing extraordinary happens in the meantime).

[1] Perversely, LLM's would be much harder without the old Web making lots of data available, but that is a different story.

We're missing the open source search engine, but LLM + obscure web pages makes for some interesting reading.

Getting a mix up of different ideas is very much what first exposures to the internet were like.

You had your towns ideas, then we went online and you had a wild world of ideas you'd never seen before. For a lot of us it was the first time we belonged anywhere.

What? The old-Internet feeling comes from the fact that everything was made by people - that's the whole point.

Turns out robots make for better people than people.

Also I remember the refrain that "I'm just text on a screen dude" made more than once on the boards I used to visit at the time.

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