I didn't see it mentioned so wanted to add that it's possible that ADHD's impact on working memory[1] leads to issues with long term memory[2].
Basically, we struggle with holding stuff in RAM which corrupts writes to disk.
The effect is more prevalent with auditory inputs vs visual ones[3]; learning this helped explain why I find myself more likely to engage with a lecture or meeting while simultaneously doodling[4].
Basically, we struggle with holding stuff in RAM which corrupts writes to disk.
The effect is more prevalent with auditory inputs vs visual ones[3]; learning this helped explain why I find myself more likely to engage with a lecture or meeting while simultaneously doodling[4].
[1] https://laconciergepsychologist.com/blog/what-is-working-mem...
[2] https://www.verywellhealth.com/can-adhd-cause-memory-issues-...
[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24232170/
[4] https://www.additudemag.com/focus-factors/