> This feature is exclusive to Horizon Everest users. If you are not subscribed to Horizon Everest, you can do so in your Dashboard by clicking the Upgrade button in your navigation bar. [1]
Thanks. Another question. So this does not only images but any file or text file or functions as a pastebin etc? If so, is there a way of interacting with it as such as a pastebin and or uploading other type of files, other than the webui? Eg a command line tool? I see you made hrznsc but it seems for screenshots only, so perhaps just need to use some sort of api method for the command-line/scripty sort of pastebin-like and other files interaction/functionality that many users might be after?
Yes, there's pastebin as well. You can use ShareX on Windows or Horizon Alpine on macOS and some Linux distros (not 100% compatible with all, but Ubuntu seems to work just fine).
No command line tool yet, but the paste API is pretty simple to understand through network inspection.
[1] https://docs.hrzn.cool/pics/add_private_domain