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This honestly comes as a shock. The current government has been eroding rights of its citizens like a clockwork. But this blatant ban on a magazine you were yesterday still able to buy at any store is just brazen. In theory Germany has freedom of press anchored in its constitution (https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/gg/art_5.html). This ban uses a trick from the "Vereinsgesetz" - a law that governments the corporate form this magazine uses. The law says that they can be banned if they're "against the constitutional order" (https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/vereinsg/__3.html). Something that is easily produced as the institution in charge of that (the Verfassungsschutz) is under total control of the current government.

This will certainly end up in a court of law, but with the increasing pressure on government-critical media is scary. There are still a few neutral websites left that aren't blocked (multiple foreign websites are blocked in Germany) or banned but we'll see for how long. There is about a year left before the next German general election and it can only be assumed that this powergrab will continue until then.

> The current government has been eroding rights of its citizens like a clockwork.

Please, elaborate.

> The current government has been eroding rights of its citizens like a clockwork.

Please, elaborate.

Which neutral websites have been blocked?

I didn't mean to connect "blocked" with "neutral". From the top of my head I know of porn, piracy and foreign news sites that are blocked. I prefer not to name them explicitly though.

Oh no! Nazis got shut down! Seriously? I hope this comment is sarcasm/parody

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