Please, take a Philosophy 101 class. You may be surprised to find your pet ideas about everyone having a god (defined in a way that is effectively meaningless) has been considered and long since moved past.
This would have been taught as Philosophy 101 before Christ was even born, as even the Greek and Roman religions understood that good and evil are objective concepts defined by something. And they must be defined by something, or rape and cannibalism are not crimes. After all, animals do it all the time, it’s only natural. Thus, what is natural, is not necessarily how we ought to act.
Also, what a hilariously weak comeback that doesn’t address anything I said. On that note, I’ll take over 2400+ years of philosophy before I take a modern philosopher sharing the news about his brilliant new idol. Don’t let the novelty fallacy blind you to the fact that even you have an idol - the idol that ironically claims we’ve moved past idols.