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Anyone Interested in Turning this Technology into a Web Application? (cmu.edu)
18 points by tocomment on Aug 9, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

How about something like "empty planet"? I'm thinking of taking photographs of famous places that are very busy (like Times Square) and digitally removing all the people.

I think seeing pictures of places that are very familiar, but devoid of people would be quite profound.

Maybe it's just a feature and not business, though.

I think this would actually be really interesting for Google StreetView.

Sure far33d, take all my karma points. ;)

That would be interesting.

I could be wrong about the photographer, but I believe it was Eugene Atget who has a photograph of a completely empty Paris street (I cound't find it online), one that is usually bustling. His effect was achieved by a very long time exposure, a consequence of the technology at the time.

Parisians were turned off by its creepy nature, and think your idea would definitely bring an eerie feel to Times Square.

Their demo at the top of the page looks nice, but I'm a little skeptic about the versatility of their algorithm to determine an image as "semantically valid" or not. I can see that being the RHP (really hard problem).

I've got the start-up itch and i'm looking to meet some potential co-founders for this or any project. email me at ltibbets [at] gmail [dot] com

If you haven't seen it already Microsoft (yes Microsoft)has a similiar scene completion technology and the demo is pretty cool: http://labs.live.com/photosynth/

I saw this guy at Siggraph.. very cool. His other paper (Photo Clip Art http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/projects/photoclipart/) was also pretty awesome.

That looks cool too. Maybe do both then.

Patent issues... make sure you license it from them!

Really? They're patented? I thought it was like academic research?

US universities patent almost everything. Look at how Stanford operates... they get HUGE amount of revenue from research. Heck, even Google had to give a piece to Stanford.

Well that's sucky. Well I hope my tax dollars didn't fund their research then. Then I'd be mad.

I haven't heard of a single university in US/Canada that does not have a technology transfer office. Read more:


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