- When clicking the "+ create" menu, left-clicking whitespace on the page does not close the dropdown
- Home page takes very long to list videos (even with a single video). Updates after moving videos/deleting videos/creating folders also feel unresponsive.
- On home page or inside folders, videos do not have thumbnails (just a generic camera icon)
- While a video is being moved to a directory (spinner be spinning), the delete/move options under the search bar are still present
- Would like an option to apply resize/compression settings to videos on upload to help manage storage space
- When failing to upload due to size limit, the UI does not say what the size limit is
I think this is a promising service so I'll upgrade and hope the quirks improve over time!
- Trying to upload 30-ish 100-200MB videos at the same time in the web UI, many error with `Unable to mark session as finished`.
Thanks for upgrading! And sorry that you ran into some speed bumps.
1. Good catch. Will improve on this.
2. I'm not sure what could be causing this. My account with thousands of uploads loads in less than one second.
3. Thumbnails are not supported due to compute and processing considerations, but will investigate this.
4. Good catch.
5. Compression can be compute intensive, but will investigate this further.
6. Will add that in.
7. Hopefully this isn't too ubiquitous? I'll investigate what's happening - but from preliminary analysis, it looks like a chunk may have failed along the way.
Re: 7
I think in the end all the videos did upload successfully, but the client UI stopped reporting progress at some point.
A couple more suggestions:
- Would like a select-all button instead of clicking videos 1 by 1
- An option to switch from grid view to list view could be useful
- Home UI shows 25 items per page but the grid has 3 columns so the last row is never full - which makes it seem like there are no further pages.
- When moving items, the item count in the title of the destination-selection dialog keeps increasing for every move operation. I think items are not deselected after moving?
I've added a new redundant check that will ensure all chunks are uploaded before marking the large upload as finished. Hopefully this resolves the issue you were facing. If not, please do send me an email at the address listed at https://horizon.pics/help.
As for those files that failed but still show up in the dashboard, it means they're stored incomplete, and as such, will be automatically purged in 24 hours. I will work on hiding them in the dashboard.
It's been almost 2 weeks so you might never read this, but here's a little progress update on your reports. Many bugs fixed and several features have been implemented, including:
- List view for files
- Select all
- Video thumbnails (MP4, subject to eligibility depending on encoding)
[0]: https://horizon.pics/help/articles/start-uploading-files