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Hmmm. Is this serious or facetious? Or could be either, depending on the response? There already is rust code in the Linux kernel (some drivers), afaik.

Linus strategy on Rust is genius, albeit immoral. — Don't engage the movement head-on, make concessions where it doesn't matter. — Nobody wants to write drivers? No problem, have THEM write the drivers where the impact is minimal. I believe, if Rust people really understood how they're being used exactly, they wouldn't bother with it, and would go on to write more impactful code. And yet, Linus had managed to execute this strategy perfectly; the insult is subtle enough not to cause major injury.

I seriously doubt it's meant as an insult so much as to minimize near term impact in case there are (and likely will be) mistakes to the larger ecosystem. Creating clearer separations for where Rust can make more sense initially is important. Not just for Rust, but C/C++ and other future languages all around.

The file system is an area where Rust can make a lot of sense, similar for network drivers. Points of interaction with underlying hardware and external systems where well defined controls are all the more important and widely interacted with.

I would be surprised, if within a decade a lot of the use of OpenSSL isn't displaced with rustls across a lot of applications even if not written in Rust directly.

> Linus strategy on Rust is genius, albeit immoral. — Don't engage the movement head-on, make concessions where it doesn't matter. — Nobody wants to write drivers? No problem, have THEM write the drivers where the impact is minimal.

Using telepathy to explain someone’s unstated intention to undermine some programming language’s use in the kernel with this House of Cards plotline makes you look insane btw.

Someone's gotta get the word out, I'm seriously sick of all these ridiculous LARPers trying to magic Rust into existence

Rust is a joke, it's a complete waste of time and effort to try and use it. It's the EU cookie law of native code - well-intentioned nonsense that doesn't work at all in reality

> ... trying to magic Rust into existence

What do you mean? Rust does not exist? No useful projects have been built in it?

That is what they mean. It’s contrary to the actual reality, where Rust is already being used for real, important things.

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