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There are obvious differences between criticism and harassment. Let's not act like we don't know why the asahi linux team is getting death threats, and maybe try to improve the situation.

Death threats were being posted on HN? I hope they were swiftly removed if so.

You should probably read the asahi linux post.

Which one? I just browsed through a few and didn't see any death threats.

I was totally unaware of these situation. I heard about the distro before and its focus on apple laptop, and even use of rust to code drivers, but that's it.

Why would anyone be upset with people sharing FLOW?

> I've not read any of these comments but it sounds like the author of that message is somewhat peeved at the fact he can't control the conversation of others.

Are you fucking serious right now? Did you actually read what they said? Want is wrong with you? They're not "peeved" about "not being able to control the conversations of others", they're pointing out that because of Hacker News's lax and irresponsible moderation and disturbing overlap with much worse communities, it is a breeding ground for endless hate and harassment that can, and has, driven people to suicide on other occasions. That's way more serious and understandable, and playing that down as just someone being "anti free speech" as being part of the problem.

That sounds highly unlikely given the strict moderation on this site. So unless I see any evidence of it, I'll continue to assume otherwise.

From what I can gather after looking at previous posts on Asahi Linux, as another commenter suggested, the author of that message is furious that some HN users were talking about a cartoon character alter ego that he uses to make video streams. Seems to me like he's overreacting a bit.

The letter Martin wrote literally explains why you wouldn't be able to see such comment threads, as a result of the way HN's moderation works. Did you bother to read it?

Also, don't even start with the whole "Asahi Lina = Hector Martin" thing. You're literally echoing a Kiwi Farms thing and wondering why people accuse HN of having an overlap with that site?

I browsed the comments of previous Asahi Linux posts with "show dead" switched on and that's all I could find. I couldn't care less if he presents himself as a cartoon character on his video streams, I only mention it because that's what the flagged comments on those posts were arguing about.

Perhaps you could link the comment threads that you believe is evidence of what he's saying in that message?

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