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Yes, they don't contain the blast, but they limit the places where a bomb can be, and that is their worth.

Generally speaking yes, but there could be a logic error somewhere in safe code that causes an unsafe block to do something it shouldn’t. For example, a safe function that is expected to return an integer less than n is called within an unsafe block to obtain an index, but the return value isn’t actually less than n. In that case the ‘bomb’ may be in the unsafe block, but the bug is in the safe code.

> yes, but there could be a logic error somewhere in safe code that causes an unsafe block to do something it shouldn’t.

Sounds like bad design. You can typically limit the use for unsafe for so small area than you can verify the ranges of parameters which will cause memory problems. Check for invalid values and raise panic. Still ”memorysafe”, even if it panics.

Sure, it may be bad design. The point is that nothing in the Rust language itself guarantees that memory safety bugs will be localized to unsafe blocks. If your code has that property it’s because you wrote it in a disciplined way, not because Rust forced you to write it that way (though it may have given some moral support).

Let me emphasize that I am not criticizing Rust here. I am just pointing out an incontrovertible fact about how unsafe blocks in Rust work: memory safety bugs are not guaranteed to be localized to unsafe blocks.

I cannot imagine writing a method to return a value less than n, and not verifying that constraint somewhere in the safe method.

It’s just a simple example to illustrate the point. Realistic bugs would probably involve more complex logic.

The prevalence of buffer overrun bugs in C code shows that it very definitely is possible for programmers to screw up when calculating indices. Rust removes a lot of the footguns that make that both easy to do and dangerous in C. But in unsafe Rust code, you’re still fundamentally vulnerable to any arithmetic bug in any function that you call as part of the computation of an index.

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