Did I just read this right "iOS 6 brings even better web browsing to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch." .... "And when you’re posting a photo or video to eBay, Craigslist, or another site, you can take photos and video — or choose from your Camera Roll — without leaving Safari." mobile web just took a huge step forward if so.....
This has been in HTML for almost 2 years now. Rather than being a step forward foe the mobile web, it shows how behind the mobile web is, as the two most dominant players in mobile only update their browsers once a year.
I'm guessing iOS6 doesn't add support for IndexedDB either. So we're stuck using the deprecated WebSQL until mid 2013 or later.
… which changes little because actual web developers have to support the worst-case browser for all of the millions of people who don't install a modern browser. For most of us who aren't running something like a Mac or browser nerd website, that means the latest version of IE available to Windows XP users.
Didn't realize until just now what a pain it is to post photos on craigslist, etc: take photo with camera/phone, sync with laptop, use laptop to post photo. That's probably the reason Instagram had traction. Is this already easy on Android?