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> So, the generated data must ..

What generated data are you talking about and who was it generated by?

If you mean the output of commercial GPS units, then yes, all manner of error inducing effects have been compensated for in post aquisition processing that generates output.

This article is about raw GPS data .. which is a collection of raw data streamed from multiple satellites that then requires processing to generate an output, and quite often additional inputs from ground stations | naval corrections to improve accuracy.

There are many different GPS instrument providers who all do broadly similar things .. the devil is in the details.

Several peer comments linked to https://ciechanow.ski/gps/ it's a good read.

from that link

> Moreover, the clocks on satellites don’t have to be explicitly slowed down to fix the cumulative relativistic speed-up of time. As part of their broadcasted message a satellite emits three coefficients that allow the receiver to correct for any offset or speed change of that satellite’s clock.

My understanding is that GPS satellites clocks are tuned to tick slow exactly to account for relativity.

For example this (https://www.nist.gov/publications/global-positioning-system-...) paper explicitly states:

> First, each GPS space vehicle (SV) clock is offset from its nominal rate by about -4.45x10^-10 (= -38 microseconds per day) to allow for the relativistic offsets between the differences between the SV and the ground. Of this -38 microseconds per day, about -45 are due to the gravitational potential difference between the SV at its mean distance and the earth's surface, and +7 to the mean SV speed, which is about 3.87 km/sec. To this mean correction, each receiver must add a term due to the eccentricity of the GPS orbit.

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