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I recently switched to neomutt and offlineimap/isync as my email client. I tried really hard after that to get a setup going so that I could accept git patches mailing list wise. I had to figure out how to set up a keyboard macro with just the right incantation[1] of b4[2]. I realized accepting patches meant my friends would also have to learn (neo)mutt if I wanted them to accept mine. It was really difficult. I can't imagine asking my friends to do that and collaborating with them. (I still like mutt though and still use it as my main client.)

By the way, good luck getting that set up to work on Windows, which a large population of developers use because of their work laptops (or because they simply prefer the interface!).

I made a script[3] that makes it easy to accept patches using an fzf interface, as a sort of reply to git-send-email[4]. I made sure to get it to work on Windows as well.

I kind of think I might like this better. My script only involves some setup of two other third-party tools to accept a patch, but this feels a little cleaner.

1: https://git.sr.ht/~skin/dotfiles/tree/main/item/dot-muttrc#L...

2: https://github.com/mricon/b4

3: https://git.sr.ht/~skin/git-receive-mail/

4: https://git-send-email.io/

Why would a collaborator have to learn your email client?

They would need to learn a email client. The patch is in their email inbox and they don't have an easy way of applying it to their git Repository. Aerc or Mutt is necessary to accept patches easily usually, but then you have to learn those tools.

Makes sense. Thanks!

If you just copy paste into most email clients they somehow screw up the patch.

Messaging is very simple, but made hard so that the benefit is not on your side. Business opportunities, yay!

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