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Does it say anywhere why they chose Gitlab? I used to be a big fan of them, but they kind of died for me after they implemented big limitations on the free tier. I stopped being able to Trojan-horse it to my company, and Github got good CI and other nice features, so I've switched to that.

It's not clear if Mediawiki are self-hosting gitlab. If they're relying on Gitlab (the company) then I'd be worried about Gitlab running out of money and going out of business. I had a bit of an interaction with one of their sales people a while back and they appeared desperate. If self-hosting, there would be a bit of uncertainty while development reorganizes but I don't expect any long term problem.

They're self-hosting at https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/explore

I don’t think that Wikimedia is overly concerned about the…free tier limitations that soured you on them in the first place.

Definitely not, since I'm the one who gets asked for money to pay for those tiers all the time.

The two parts of my comment were unrelated, though.

Github is my preferred too. However I imagine it is because of how popular GitLab was in 2022. Pivoting mid migration would suck.

I thought Gitlab put more stuff in the free tier after KDE made that a requirement for moving to Gitlab?

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