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  > shame as a weapon against Big Tech
Shame is far more often used as a weapon promoting Big Tech. I am constantly ridiculed for not having Facebook or Whatsapp accounts, and many people that I meet are suspicious of me. Try meeting women on Tinder without Whatsapp.

The only woman worth meeting will obviously not use Whatsapp either.

Hard disagree, I've met some terrific women on Tinder. Terrific both in and out of the sack.

Perhaps they may use it, but they cannot be intolerant of you not using it and still be terrific.

> Try meeting women on Tinder without Whatsapp.

Drop the "without Whatsapp." It's cleaner.

If I ever feel like meeting a woman again our first encounter won't be on a fucking phone app. And that will be just fine.

I get enough matches and interesting conversations. It's moving that conversation to a different medium that is problematic when they want to see "who you are" first and you have no Facebook to show them, and even not Whatsapp to write to them.

For what it's worth, mentioning Telegram is even worse because that application is associated with drugs in our country.

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