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Best (or worst) Geek Christmas Ever (codinghorror.com)
5 points by Oompa on Dec 25, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

They've been pulling this scam since way back in the IBM days. My CDW contact was able to scare up a box full of the little plastic trays for us from somewhere in mexico overnight when a whole rack of servers came in completely without disks and all of the disks we ordered to go with them were useless because of the lack of little plastic trays.

The most frustrating thing about the whole deal is that there was no warning that what we ordered would come in unusable and we were on a very tight schedule. By trying to extort a few extra dollars out of us they almost blew a very important install by causing us to miss the window.

The idea that you can only get the trays by ordering Lenovo drives is complete BS. If you're a little bit irate and a lot persistent on the phone, you'll probably score some trays sans cost. In the future, always tell the sales rep that the sale is contingent upon the trays being with the server or you'll refuse the delivery. You'll get trays for every slot every time.

Edit: I used decks of cards to prop the drives while doing the configuration until the trays came the next day. The playing cards allow you to get just the right height by adding and subtracting cards...

There's no way they won't sell you the parts. Not being on the catalog or website or whatever is pretty irrelevant. You would think he'd know this.

Also, you can always have someone make some for you, couldn't be that expensive.

It only costs $80 for a 500GB SATA server grade hd?

I'm in need of a new computer.

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