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Software I Paid For But No Longer Use (al3x.net)
7 points by twampss on Dec 25, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Don’t buy apps for things you only need to do once in a blue moon. Find a free/open solution.

As a general rule, this seems like the exact opposite of what you should do. If the free/open solution threatens to take two hours to set up, and the for-pay software will do the job in five minutes for $19, you should probably buy the software -- unless you intend to use the open solution over and over, which will amortize the setup time over many weeks or months.

I would certainly argue that this applies to VisualHub, for example. Not having to figure out the command-line options to ffmpeg is worth $24, especially if you're only planning to use it once in a blue moon.

I regret my purchase of many iPhone apps. I've spent at least $150 on apps and currently use $3-10 worth of them.

The other problem is that I won't delete them now either, it makes me feel guilty/stupid for buying them so I just keep them installed.

You can delete them off your iphone and you will still be able to re-install them off the itunes store for free.

itunes: "You have already purchased this item. To download it again for free, select OK."

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