While everything the video was talking about is correct, this also only scratches the surface of what is going on (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redox). Science at school has to go into much more detail to prepare you for when you chose chemistry as your topic for University.
A comparable video that actually gives all that detail is very hard to do (if it's at all possible) and it's also likely to be very boring - unless you are into chemistry at which point you don't need a video like this in the first place because the books are perfectly fine for you (they were for me and I have nothing but interest into chemistry - no education aside of what you'd get in High-School).
Why does it have to be boring? A good science teacher and method can make all elements fascinating. I'd reference the Feynman lectures as an example of this.
But why does school have to prepare you for every college there is, including those you aren't going to attend?
95% high schoolers aren't going to any college requiring chemistry.
Why not teach the fun and memorable flame to them, instead of boring chemistry flame they wouldn't understand or remember?
Came expecting a detailed interesting dissection of the recent Flame virus, left even happier. After all, I'll encounter fire much more often than Flame.
Same. I was thinking an explanation of Flame that an 11 year old could understand might help Fox News figure out what the hell they're babbling on about.
This is a surprising and refreshingly entertaining video. I have always been curious as to what flames really were, but it has always been on my "Things to look up eventually list" that I never get around to. The song at the end was a nice touch too (though I'm not a fan of the M83-esque yelling in it).
The first satisfying answer I've ever seen. (And please, if you've seen other good resources, post them here too!)