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It doesn't really have to be slower as all that would be needed to do on installation is the final linking step. Linking prebuilt objects into a prepared kernel image shouldn't be inherently slower than assembling modules into an initramfs.

Doesn't that program that does the linking of the pre built objects into the prepared kernel itself a violation?

IANAL but, for the most part, no.

The "problem" with the GPL here arises not when you, the end user, take a piece of GPL-licensed software and combine it with other software, as is your GPL-protected right, but when you try to redistribute the result. You see, every end user has the same right to obtain all of the source code for GPL-licensed software that they receive, and for all of that source code to be licensed in a way compatible with the GPL. Once the kernel and non-GPL-licensed modules have been combined into a single piece of software, you are free to use it locally as you wish, but you can't share it, because you would be unable to meet the obligations you owe to the person you give it to.

Bear in mind that the modules are meant to be combined with the kernel, and the method by which that happens isn't specified by the module authors. So, a tool which makes all of this easier for you to do isn't circumventing any restriction meant to stop you from doing this, because no such restriction exists.

> So, a tool which makes all of this easier for you to do isn't circumventing any restriction

Is this the case though? I thought there was an argument that in order to create that tool - you would need enough knowledge that it would require you to basically create a derivative work.

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