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I personally like Sentry's approach more, their program focused on supporting the breadth and depth of their dependency tree rather than just the critical components https://blog.sentry.io/we-just-gave-500-000-dollars-to-open-... Disclaimer: I work for thanks.dev

I got a DM from a maintainer asking to elaborate so here's my personal opinion "The Geomys model feels a lot like the Tidelift model but it doesn't really create an eco-system that's more inclusive & exciting to be a part of. We want to create a community where more maintainers are excited by contributing to open source instead of them saying ohh this is too hard lets pass it onto someone else with the resource. The other issue is that how do you determine if something is critical & if something isn't, it's really subjective."

Did I misread something? I don't think Geomys is in the business of deciding what is or isn't critical.

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