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> what's the current state of the art ?

Wayland is going to make 2024 the year of Linux on the Desktop!

Any day now...

I thought it was already the year of Linux on the Desktop??

Jokes aside if you can avoid anti-cheats (rootkits) DXVK makes a lot of Windows workflows very accessible on Linux.

For me, the year of Linux on the Desktop was '94. It's been my main desktop at home ever since, and for wor as well the majority of time - but with some obnoxious detours.

> DXVK makes a lot of Windows workflows very accessible on Linux.

And it has achieved that with X11.

Yeah, but it is slowly getting better.

Not advocating for 2024 (or 2025) but I still think someday it will, having seen multiple usability and feature improvements. (Not only talking about wayland here)

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