„which swaps the standard white background for black“
I tried, but I just can’t believe anything written after that statement. The default was white (or green or orange) on black.
All these white backgrounds are fairly new - probably there are more years with white than black backgrounds, but that’s not how my old brain think of time.
> I tried, but I just can’t believe anything written after that statement. The default was white (or green or orange) on black.
The vast majority of the world's population have rarely or never used a monochrome computer screen. Even when they were common, the bulk of what people read, _even people who used such monitors_, was black on white - it was paper.
I tried, but I just can’t believe anything written after that statement. The default was white (or green or orange) on black.
All these white backgrounds are fairly new - probably there are more years with white than black backgrounds, but that’s not how my old brain think of time.