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Anyone else having trouble with that web vscode he's using?

Yeah, no idea how to run the code. There are links to the final demo at the end, but everything else just links to this editor :/

This was prototyped on codesandbox before they nuked their product. Each link goes to a specific version which you can test by running bun http.ts in the terminal which serves the content. I updated the article to include this info.

In the future I will keep everything self hosted to avoid this issue. I appreciate the patience.

if you want a self-hosted codepen there's this


not sure if, based on the way it works, whether it supports SharedArrayBuffer

For security reasons you cannot use some of the features in this code without setting a specific header (the blog mentions this).

The sandbox has a button that's basically "Open a preview in a separate tab". If you click that, the header will be sent, and the demo will work.

If you only use the "in-editor" preview, the proper header will not be sent.

Agree not intuitive. Hope it helps, it was a super cool demo.

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