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Synchronization Is Bad for Scale (wippler.dev)
76 points by thunderbong 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 51 comments

The author abandoned the distributed lock service he/she is writing, and it might benefit to read the original Google paper on their distributed lock service Chubby to understand why it is so enduring at Google: https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.c...

> I abandoned the project after it very quickly become apparent that despite having written the service in this super fast, brand new language called golang, the service just wasn’t fast enough to handle the scale we threw at it.

This makes me think the author wishes to use the distributed lock service for some purpose that's not well served by distributed locks. It's not that distributed locks are bad, it's just that the author seems to have a particular use case already in mind that's poorly suited to a distributed lock service.

> author wishes to use the distributed lock service for some purpose that's not well served by distributed locks

Exactly. It should be clear that a distributed lock service has a finite, and low, overall rate of progress. It obviously cannot be in the critical path of every transaction globally. But when using it for events which rarely happen, such as electing a new master of a partition of a database, or some other thing that happens once a week, then the low throughput is not an issue.

I ddon't know why they'd expect Go to be a panacea. It has everything to do with architecture.

What's an OSS equivalent to Chubby? Etcd?

Consul has an entire locking system that’s based on Chubby in the KV system. I’ve used it at pretty big scales and it seems fine.

If you want actual OSS you can use an older release, the KV system guts haven’t changed much in awhile iirc.

etcd is fairly similar to Chubby indeed, or Zookeeper.

ZooKeeper or ClickHouse Keeper, Etcd, Consul.

The mistake was using golang apparently.

If you need high-performance and fine control of synchronization, just use a low-level systems programming language.

You can get into that type of lock congestion trouble in any language. It's an algorithm problem, not a language problem.

I discovered last year that Wine has terrible internal lock problems inside its user-side storage allocator. That's in C. If you have enough threads calling "realloc", the allocator goes into futex congestion collapse and performance drops by two orders of magnitude. My graphics program went from 60 FPS to 0.5 FPS. They optimized too hard for the no-congestion case.

This is a Wine-only problem; Microsoft's own code doesn't have this problem.

I've had lock congestion problems in Rust. Sometimes you need a fair mutex, or something gets frozen out. Both fair and non-fair mutexes are available; see the "parking_lot" crate.

There's a place inside WGPU that has a lock congestion problem in one of three locks, and I'm going to have to add more profiling to someone else's code to find that. I can see the problem with Tracy, but need to add more profiling scopes to narrow it down.

But that is high-performance graphics stuff, where microseconds count. Sending spam (OK, bulk marketing emails) doesn't need to be that tightly coupled. Mailing list removal runs on a timescale of days, not milliseconds. What else in that space has to be tightly interlocked?

> I can see the problem with Tracy, but need to add more profiling scopes to narrow it down.

If you can run on Windows try Superluminal.


A good language just gives you the necessary tooling to do whatever you want, it doesn't magically fix problems.

Only languages like C++ have a memory model that allows you to do lock-free programming for example (C and Rust copied the C++ model).

Also, what kind of serious person allocates memory from the system allocator in a real-time loop? Your problems seem self-inflicted. Regardless there are many allocators that optimize for concurrent allocations: tcmalloc, jemalloc, mimalloc...

Go has atomics.

Which don't have the same level of control as C++, it only provides a subset of sequentially consistent primitives, which are slow by design.

Considering the vast number of programs that wine works extremely well with I'm not so sure they spent too much optimizing the no-congestion case. You are just doing something extremely quirky in your program.

I've looked at the code in a debugger. Wine has futexes three deep in "malloc". The innermost one is a pure spinlock. The problem with "realloc" is that, when it can't grow an array in place, it has to copy the contents. The Wine implementation does that with the main lock on allocation still held. So, if you have Rust code with a lot of multithreaded vector "push" operations, and more threads than CPUs, you get futex congestion. It's possible to write applications that don't hit this bug, but it's Wine-only, not Windows, so not worth it.

What's "quirky" is trying to use all the CPUs with lower priority threads.

Why not send a patch?

It's hard to fix without a redesign of some crucial low-level code. The people who wrote it looked at the problem and decided it was too hard to fix.

Does the language make a huge difference here? In a distributed system a signal to be sent over the network travels at the same speed whether it was transmitted by a C or Python program, right?

I suspect that when it was chosen at Mailgun, Golang was still being billed as a systems programming language.


Go makes you think you control the details except you don't. Hackernews makes you think you don't control the details in C# except you do.

Yet another project that would have been able to solve its woes if it had picked a better option.

Nope. In system like this, if written correctly, main performance bottlenecks are network and disk latencies

It would take you 1 minute to write a Go application that exploits per-CPU data structures and probably years to debug your attempt to do so in C.

actually its really _hard_ in go to make cpu bound control flow, state, and allocation. do goroutines have any notion of locality? i've been looking and haven't been able to find anything

You can pin the go routine to a current thread using[0] and then pin the thread to a core using[1] if that’s what’s you’re after

[0] - https://pkg.go.dev/runtime#LockOSThread

[1] - https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/sys/unix#SchedSetaffinity

Go comes out of the box with sync.Pool

Did I miss it or nowhere did he talk about the problem he was trying to solve?

Any solution can be bad at scale if it doesn’t fit your problem… unfortunately there’s no way to know without stating the problem.

Yes I was wondering about the same thing, if the article had few problem statements, then it would have been more relatable.

> The answer to the synchronization problem for Gubernator was to remove the need for a lock by using a S3-FIFO cache. We did attempt to shard, but the overhead of calculating the hash to shard with, and the increased number of queues and threads needed (thus increased context switching) made this a unviable solution for our use case.

Why would the sharding hash computation be expensive? MD5 would be suitable here; it's blazing fast even when used for 10s of thousands of operations per second on large keys.. it will work fine.

I wish the author had given firmer details on why they abandoned approaches that are proven to work across a wide variety of use-cases.

I really wish people would stop talking about MD5 already. It is almost never the answer. On a modern CPU you get HW accelerated SHA-256, it will always be much faster than your best software MD5. If your SHA-256 hash is too long, chop it up, it will still be better than MD5 for the same bit length.

In general I agree with you- there aren't many cases to consider using MD5 anymore, but in this instance it will work well enough (still insanely fast) on new and old machines alike. If you know SHA-256 will be more optimal for your target hardware, by all means go for it. Some of the physical servers I run are a few years old and are slow at SHA, so the hash key calculations would get expensive quickly.

Shard hash keys aren't sensitive to the weaknesses of MD5, so there isn't an inherent problem, which is why I suggested it. It's really only an implementation detail and immaterial to the underlying question I was hoping to address.


Neither would be appropriate in this case. If you don’t need cryptographic properties, don’t use a cryptographic hash function.

Without more details about the project requirements, my initial impression is that the author could get most of these features from Zookeeper, which is designed for stuff like distributed locks and synchronization.

However I've seen the pattern to use the database for a complete system synchronization in multiple projects. Don't have to say how this is a bad thing - probably easy to start with but a nightmare to scale later, just like the author mentioned in the article.

I'm curious if HN readers see articles like this and transpose the logic to other areas – like management or leadership. Open question, just curious.

It seems to be endemic to HN to blindly transfer lessons from one domain to another without understanding that solutions (not to mention the problems themselves!) are deeply contextual and context-sensitive. I’d nominate it as the Paul Graham Special: violent but breezily stated overgeneralization. Happily, though, there are enough different kinds of people here that it usually gets pointed out when it happens, which is heartening.

yep this is a physical problem as much as it's logical. but I'm very much an abstract systems thinker.

it reminds me of lean wastes... kinda.

organizing better and having autonomous units of work would be more efficient than bottlenecking decisions to a shared resource.

this applies to social systems the same as physical ones, for sure.

I hadn't but would now like to

Good news: your problem is not scale.

Synchronization scales for redundancy purposes unless you are single core.

or your readers are blocked by your writer

> Synchronization is bad for scale

In other news, water is wet.

I would use Aerospike, it has strong consistency or session consistency and will soon get multirecord transactions.


And also see the second bullet point from this Guy Steele talk from 2010 Strange Loop. Synchronization and ordering and a lack of idempotency need to be heavily justified.

"How to Think about Parallel Programming: Not!" - Guy L. Steele Jr. (Strange Loop 2010) https://www.youtube.com/live/dPK6t7echuA?app=desktop&t=1747s

transcript https://github.com/matthiasn/talk-transcripts/blob/master/St... thanks matthiasn!

Previous discussion https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2105661

Because Go is ill-suited for projects like these :)

Just like synchronization, Go scales poorly with project complexity and aspirations. It is unable to efficiently take advantage of beefy many-core nodes, its GC is bad at achieving high throughput and the language itself is incapable of providing zero-cost abstractions and non-zero cost abstractions end up being more expensive than in other compiled languages.

Should have picked .NET for scalability and low-level tuning. Or Rust if higher engineering cost is acceptable.

> Just like synchronization, Go scales poorly with project complexity and aspirations.

I've had the opposite experience. Compared to C++ codebases I've worked on, Golang has way less "complexity per feature".

> It is unable to efficiently take advantage of beefy many-core nodes

Go had the best built-in concurrency primitives of any language I've used (python, java, rust, c++/c).

> its GC is bad at achieving high throughput

Isn't this just the nature of using GC? You give up control over when some work gets done, of course it affects throughput.

> incapable of providing zero-cost abstractions

ime, bad abstractions slow systems of any appreciable complexity a lot more than the cost of the abstractions in latency.

> non-zero cost abstractions end up being more expensive than in other compiled languages.

Do you consider Java a compiled language? I mean, of course its slower than rust and c/++, as it has a more complex/abstracted runtime. But last I heard, it was on par, or even faster, than java.

> it was on par, or even faster, than java.

This is rarely the case outside of very simplified cases.

Golang prioritises compilation speed over optimisation. Unlike Rust/C/C++ which either use one of the heavily optimising IR compilers (gcc or LLVM) Golang uses neither, preferring to implement piecemeal the optimisations that work well on relatively simple code - in order to keep the compiler very fast and simple.

Java is the opposite of this. It has multiple compilation stages, the first of which is the bytecode compiler javac but then also the runtime JIT compiler, both of which favor peak performance (i.e optimisation).

Golang can appear faster on many micro-benchmarks but for any highly numeric load or remotely generic code using interfaces etc become involved then Java is going to come out on top and it won't be particularly close.

This isn't to say you can't write very fast Golang code, you can. If you understand (or simply inspect generated code/profile) what the compiler can and can't do for you you can coax it into making fast machine code but you need to be vigilant and modifying tight loops can be more troublesome than equivalent fast Java code.

I have written very fast stuff in both languages and if I needed to pick a language for peak runtime perf it would be Java out of those two every time.

Note this is completely ignoring the very weak throughput of the Golang GC which is another easy way to get into very bad performance problems with Golang that can be hard to resolve.

The JVM provides a lot more flexible concurrency abstractions, but they're now appearing in the standard library instead of hardwired into the language. This lets us extend or reimplement them.

(Synchronized blocks/methods are primitive and haven't been deprecated, but they recommend using java.util.concurrent.locks instead.)

Plus the usual mistake of assuming (re: GC) that the system (de)allocators are free. They weren’t. I strongly suspect that GCs are extremely competitive in most non-trivial applications.

Don’t judge every GC based on experience with the Sun JRE 20 years ago.

They are, but not so much in the case of Go - it is optimized for small containers with few CPU cores, that do not need to sustain (inevitable) high allocation throughput.

This is what happens when it's in different conditions, in a test that is still very friendly to Go using the stack which it's supposed to be very strong at: https://github.com/LesnyRumcajs/grpc_bench/discussions/441 Note the CPU % usage. The numbers only get more interesting once you start using 64 core hosts.

You could also look at write barrier/synchronization/allocation sensitive microbenchmark instead which paints way less positive picture: https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/... (special props to OpenJDK's write barrier elision, this is something .NET needs to do better at still)

These are a lot of extraordinary claims. I would love to learn more about the evidence and what make you think this way. There are many successful companies that built scalable services with golang, so the burden of proof for the above claims are high.

Even the article solves the problem with Go still

"Set 50 instead of 4 to replica count" and "continues scaling when you give it something that isn't anemic 2CPU 512Mi container" are two very different things :)

In either case, seeing undeserved praise of Go is the most expected outcome from the audience that used to praise e.g. Elizabeth Holmes.

Please do look at the way its internals work, and compare the compiler output (and I mean not the useless ASM that Go's disasm outputs but what is shown by e.g. Ghidra) and primitive overhead with Rust, C# and even Kotlin.

Also hearing about Go's concurrent primitives makes me laugh. CSP is a 40 years old concept, and Go bolted itself to it, while also learning nothing from other languages to be modern, therefore can't be effectively used for more advanced concurrency scenarios nor enables you to remove overhead when needed.

Try writing a concurrent data structure in Go that performs as fast as in C++. C# let's you do that. Go - not so much.

A language that officially recommends "don't communicate by sharing memory; share memory by communicating" is obviously not meant to implement concurrent data structures well. This means, in some cases, it is indeed the wrong language to use. Go is no longer positioned at the low-level "systems programming" segment and hasn't been since not long after its release. It's better to think of it as "compiled concurrent Python" than "a competitor to Rust".

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