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Show HN: Hi.Events – Open-Source Event Management and Ticketing Platform (github.com/hieventsdev)
86 points by elsaal 70 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

One of the best passion projects I've seen. Love that there's so many one-click deploy options.

Thanks! One of the main goals was ease of deployment for non-tech folks. I'll be adding more deployment options over the coming weeks too.

Very nice!

Note for the creator: 2nd and 3rd Guides result in 404 [0,1].

[0]: https://hi.events/docs/guides/customizing-event-homepages

[1]: https://hi.events/docs/guides/registering-an-account

Thank you! I'll fix those ASAP.

Awesome! Thanks for sharing! I've been working on this for the last year.

It's always refreshing seeing a feature-rich project coming from a single person, so thanks for working on this.

I know that this is a tangential question, but how much did the domain cost? I'm curious as someone who often considers building personal projects solely due to domain novelty, and a domain like hi.events seems like it would cost a small fortune!

Sorry, missed this comment. Thanks you! The domain was ~$120 USD, if I recall correctly. Still a lot for a domain, but not as much as I would have expected for a premium domain.

Pretty cool. Is this a passion project or do you have "defeat Ticketek" aspirations?

Thanks! It's definitely a passion project, but if I can provide an open source alternative to players like Ticketek, that would be a nice win.

question: what’s the backstory? et did you start to work on this, hire long did this take, etc

I previously created Attendize, another popular open source ticketing platform. I sold it back in 2018, and unfortunately the new owners have abandoned it. So I decided to create a better alternative.

Overall it took me the lion's share of a year. Mostly working for a couple of hours in the evenings.

lovely! perhaps you'll be able to sell this one too and make it a hat trick!

since you had a rare chance to rewrite a whole thing... what did you choose to do differently this time?

I started writing Attendize about 11 years ago when I had very little professional experience. As a result, the code is quite terrible and difficult to customize and extend.

With Hi.Events, I designed the API first, making it more robust and open to extension. One of the most frequent requests for Attendize was for more flexible ticketing options, such as ticket tiers and donation tickets. I've incorporated these features into Hi.Events, along with much more powerful attendee management and customization features.

awesome. :) i should maybe mention that i organize https://ai.engineer, which used ti.to. tito worked well for us, very little complaints except that coupons were laborious to create and maybe it could have been easier to aggregate different stages of ticket between early bird/late bird/general admission for data analysis

Nice! Tito is great, and is definitely one of the inspirations for Hi.Events.

We're still in alpha, but we'll have a beta cloud version soon, so be sure to check back in a few months!

hit me up when you do

Out of curiosity, why did you choose PHP for the backend?

Mostly due to wanting to use Laravel, as it has a fantastic ecosystem.

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