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During the cold war and the GWOT, people were profiled based on their race, religion, suspected opinions, or association with people suspected of {commun,terror}ism. A ton of these correlations were spurious, sometimes corruptly motivated, and yet the justification of fear caused people to be blackballed in their careers, targeted by law enforcement entrapment, or even just spirited away on thin pretexts. This is in the USA, not East Germany or North Korea. Now, we have much more sophisticated data collection and analysis, and false positives are still very frequent

Also, more mundanely, among the data that's collected by various unaccountable agencies, including nonconsensually, as in the case of things like Equifax, can be used to impersonate you and frame you for crimes, or just steal/use your money. This happens to millions of random people every year and is a direct consequence of a loss of privacy.

A loss of privacy has systemic consequences that change society for the worse. But even if you don't care about anyone but yourself, privacy erosion creates an ever-increasing chance of your life being ruined by overzealous governments making a mistake, or criminals targeting no one in particular but randomly getting you by happenstance

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