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Near as I can tell, you literally never even read my comment.

So seriously, WTF?

You’re doing on this weird rant, when I literally just said average people shouldn’t be assembling their own multi-kWh lithium battery packs unless they want to burn their houses down.

Which is, indeed, good advice. And pertinent to the discussion.

Where this bizarre tangent you keep going off on is not.

Near as I can tell, you literally never even read my comment.

Consider that I explicitly stated:

* They build their own ... planes

* They build their own ... off grid power system(s)

* They ... water proof EV's to drive across harbour floors

and you responded that "No, you’re talking about building structures. I’m talking about assembling a bomb."

Let me remind you that aircraft are bombs, off grid power systems are bombs, water proof EV's with battery packs large enough to drive 7 km's underwater have the same issues you're talking about.

You apparently didn't pause to read the content of my comment before launching into a "Yes, but ..."

I've already linked to locally built ground effect plane (with builders plastic for wings), here's a locally built EV: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-07-30/nt-world-record-darwi...

Average people are quite capable of doing extraordinary things and not burning down their houses - you just have a low opinion of "average".

Idiots that can't read manuals and installation guides should avoid house grade battery packs, sure.

None of these people seem to meet any definition of population average I've ever seen or heard of.

If you counted them and put them on a distribution, how far off the bell curve do you think they'd be?

In fact, they seem rather extraordinary. If they seem average to you, I'd argue your sense of average is rather extraordinary too.

> average people shouldn’t be assembling their own multi-kWh lithium battery packs unless they want to burn their houses down

Average goofs shouldn't be assembling their own solar system and battery setups. Even an average person will apprise themselves of the know-how to proceed safely, and are legally obliged to do so. If average person is not interested in doing that, they'll call on a professional, and in some places, that is the only legal option. But perhaps there are contradictory stats out there to show that there's a real widespread phenomenon of well-meaning Average Joes and Janes that are burning down houses with DIY batteries.

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