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I buy that the bms aren't very good and are drastically hurting your system. Much lower key stakes, but I have an Andis Supra trimmer I rely on a lot, but it's charger has basically no low key mode: it will pump 10W+ power into these 2S cells forever. It's criminally bad battery management, will absolutely nuke the heck out of these high end cells, if you forget to pull it off the charger.

To me, the main thing is observability. Too many people trust their systems. We need to see how things are going. As the voltage converges to peak, we should be seeing the amps level out.

We can't just trust the machines, ever. We need to be observant. Ultimately I think we'd be able to review & get rid of bad equipment more effectively, but we should be in tune with what these systems are doing, should be aware that - oh hell - we are at peak voltage and still pushing power in, and we need to stop. These systems need to report what they are doing. Being blind consumers makes the economic system weaker; these systems should all report what they are doing.

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